- 先生が言っている言葉が聞き取れない
- 自分の言いたい言葉が出てこない
In terms of what? どの点で?
I’d like a ride. 送ってほしいな
Who knows? さあね?
I can kind of understand. なんとなくわかる
Let‘s say 仮に〜としましょう
Could you speek more slowly?
OK I’m done. 終わりました
Let me think about it. 考えさせて
What’s the meaning of this word?
None, so far. ありません。ここまでで
I got it. 分かった
My birthday is on 20th of May. In May
What do yo do? I’m care manager.
noun 名詞、 pronoun 代名詞、verb 動詞、 preposition 前置詞、 adjective 形容詞、adverb 副詞、
That’s all. それだけです
Let’s see. ええと
gotta = got to = (have) got to ≒ have to
Lets say 例えば
I was in a hurry.
I would say I thinkよりも控えめ
stuff ≒ thing 〜なやつ
chill ゆっくりする
Soso まあまあ
Let me guess 考えさせて
I'm pretty excited and a bit nervous.
How can I say this? どういったらいいか考え中です
Does it make sense?
you know ほら、えーと
kind of 〜 まあね、そんな感じ、
I kind of like 〜 ちょっと好きかも
I'm about to 〜 ちょうど〜するところ
I feel like SV SVな気がする
That's why だから
Please correct me if you hear a mistake.
How do you say this?
Could you say that again?
Could you type it for me?
Could you repeat the whole sentence?
I'd like to tell you what ・・・ 〜したい
Recently, I have been 〜ing.
You encourage me very much.
I don't know why.
all day
I got home yesterday after 9 pm.
I 'm tired because my work is too busy.
I think I'm too busy and tired.
We are forbidden to speak.
It was a strange experience.
sign language
University exam book
I will do my best.
I have a headache when the weather changes
same as
weekday 平日
I guess
I'm in to cycling.
Could we skip this section?
What's the meaning of " " ? I got it.
Do you have any questions so far? None, so far.
Is everything ok so far? Yes, it's fine.
Yes, that is ringt. I'm sorry. I choose the wrong lesson.
Could you turn the volume up?
You are good at compliment
It's raining heavily today I'm not good on rainy days because my clothes get wet.
They don't have enough money to go back home after the medication.
elderly people
nursing home / home for the aged
I listen to their complain. I support them with several kind of system.
home visit nursing care / life protection system
It needs a lot of documents and a lot of procedures so I support and help them.
Most common insurance system in Japan
I feel heavy because some people yell and scream.
Please tell me the tips to speak English.
It's something like a bath. Onsen is hot spring.
difference among
I'm not sure. I have no idea. わかりません
My parents have passed away.
older daughter, younger daughter
I live with my wife's parents and
grave お墓
disabled people
third person singular 三単現
article 冠詞
possessive form 所有格
singular (単数形) plural (複数形) form
I feel relieaved when I drink tea. ほっとします。
depends on my mood. その時の気分次第。
Your words gave me courage. あなたの言葉に勇気をもらいました。
That's because of you. それはあなたのおかげです。
I want to be able to talk to people from other countries.
I'm inside a car at parking lot.
I'm on my way to work.
I took the day off. I wet to renew my driver's licese. to renew my driver's license.
After this class, I will work.
There are many hospitalized patients. Many of them are difficult to discharge from the hospital. Many of them need nursing care, have no money, or live alone. I support them by using various systems so that they can continue to live at home.
I assist people who got hospitalized due to illness or injury.
I support people who have trouble in the hospital. Lack of money, need for care,etc.
various systems don't have much money, People who are hospitalized due to illness or injury
That's all. それで全部。
I wana try to free conversation, but it's difficult for me. Could you help me?
I have to be quiet early in the morning, so 朝、家だと静かにしないといけないので
before going to work. 仕事に行く前なんです。
I'd like to speak English.
I dont't know what to say. なんて言ったらいいのか分からない
I'm relieaved. ほっとした
I'v just started Native Camp since a few days ago. I get nervous easily. I want to be able to speak English. I'm not good at English. Especically speaking and listening is difficult. Could you speek very slowly for me?
I'd like to keep studying English, but just for fun.
I'm so happy you said that.
It was fun, thanks to you. I was very happy to talk with you.
Chicken crows in background.
In my free time, I like cycling climing. famous popular places. sightseeing spot.
I like browse in a bookstore. Because there are many information I don't know yet. I often focused too much I forgot about the time.
It's fine. 大丈夫です
none so far これまでのところありません
I'm done. できました
I got it. わかりました
I can hear you. I can see you.
My birthday is in May.
Excuse me teacher.
Could you say it again? or type it?
I couldn't hear that clearly. the connection is bad.
May I recorder this resson?
I live in Japan.
I'm tired from working. I'm exhausted from working.
What do you do? I work in a hospital. I'm a medical social worker.
Can you type? Can you wait.
I think so.
I have a wife and two daughters. two daughters are students. Older daughter is Younger daughter is
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